
Employer: Medici fara frontiere - Medecins Sans Frontieres
  • Pharmacy - Health
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Cluj Napoca
  • Abroad
  • Updated at: 05.10.2024
    Remote work: On-site

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    MSF anaesthetists are there to help people manage pain in sometimes unbearable circumstances. The role of an MSF anaesthetist is incredibly varied: you might find yourself training local staff in the middle of a refugee camp hospital or managing anaesthesia with very basic resources for complex obstetric surgeries - all in the course of a day.

    Your Job
    As an anaesthesiologist, you will carry out clinical work and collaborate closely with local health staff, to whom you will provide training, coaching and supervision.

    Your duties may include:

    • in-theatre work
    • pre-operative assessment and post-operative care, along with pain management
    • continuous training and supervision of the resuscitation team
    • theoretical teaching and bedside trainings of local staff doctors and nurses
    • support to the Emergency Department and the ICU on airways and ventilator management, sedation and pain management
    • close collaboration with the project pharmacist with regards to the safekeeping and inventory of aesthetic drugs
    Be prepared to be flexible. You might work in a low-resource setting, where diagnostic equipment and facilities in the operating rooms are limited. The level of formal medical/nursing education may be less than basic, which can be a challenge in the provision of trainings.


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