Contabil - Junior

Employer: Schurter Electronic Components
  • Accounting - Finance
  • Production
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Ilfov
  • Ploiesti
  • Updated at: 12.02.2025
    Remote work: On-site

    You can apply to this ad only with your account, without creating a CV.

    Completing the web form for a new account on takes 2 minutes or you can go even faster by importing your data from Facebook or Linkedin.

    Short company description

    SCHURTER has been successfuly active in the global electronics industry since 1933. In the agile market environment, Schurter has repeatedly succeeded in mastering challenges and achieving continuous improvements.
    We focus on industrial electronics, medical technology, automotive technology, data and comunication and energy technology.
    Our values are integrity, courage and responsibility.


    Absolvent studii superioare
    Certificare contabil
    Engleza - nivel mediu/avansat
    SAP - constituie avantaj
    Cunostinte PC


    Asigura respectarea legii contabilitatii la nivel de firma
    Efectueaza activitatea compartimentului contabilitate
    Raspunde de activitatile de casierie
    Asigură întocmirea documentelor justificative privind operaţiile contabile
    Urmăreşte înregistrarea cronologică şi sistematică în contabilitate a tuturor operaţiilor patrimoniale
    Exercită controlul preventiv privind legalitatea operaţiunilor
    Asigură controlul înregistrărilor contabile, procedeele de prelucrare a datelor şi exactitatea acestora
    Asigură întocmirea registrelor contabile în conformitate cu legislaţia în vigoare
    Intocmeste situatii si rapoarte specifice (rezultate financiar-contabile) la solicitarea superiorului ierarhic cu respectarea stricta a termenelor stabilite


    • 13th salary
    • Medical subscription
    • Trainings
    • Courses
    • Laptop
    • Meal vouchers
    • Gift vouchers


    You can apply to this ad only with your account, without creating a CV.

    Completing the web form for a new account on takes 2 minutes or you can go even faster by importing your data from Facebook or Linkedin.

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