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Digital Marketing Specialist - Salon Professional

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  • Internet - eCommerce
  • Marketing
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: peste 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 30.04.2024
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Interbrands Orbico este unul dintre cei mai mari distribuitori de produse FMCG și Beauty din România, parte a Grupului Orbico, cel mai mare distribuitor din Europa, cu o prezență activă în 24 de țări.

    Avem peste 200 de branduri în portofoliul nostru și peste 30 000 de clienți în România.

    Aducem valoare partenerilor noștri prin soluțiile digitale și logistice pe care le oferim, printr-o gamă largă de produse de calitate și o viziune bazată pe performanță.


    We are looking for people who have:

    • Working experience as an onsite Digital Marketing & Performance Specialist in B2C or B2B ecommerce, or for the online leg of an omni-channel business or for a marketplace. Proven experience in performance marketing and lead generation;
    • 3-5 years professional experience in beauty/retail/FMCG and ecommerce is advantage;
    • Experience in SEO and SEM;
    • Experience in data analysis and reporting;
    • Experience using content management systems;
    • Knowledge of promotional tools and online marketing tactics;
    • Knowledge of Meta Ads, Google Ads, Tiktok Ads, GA4, Hotjar, other analytical tools;


    In this role you will be responsible for helping to define the strategy, daily management of PPC and paid social campaigns, and reporting to internal stakeholders.

    The role will suit someone who is looking for an exciting growth opportunity in a fast-paced environment and is looking to make an immediate impact. We are looking for someone with good initial knowledge and a passion for PPC, along with being a proactive and highly organized individual with excellent communication skills.

    Job responsibilities:

    • Planning, creating and implementing acquisition campaigns on digital channels including Search, Display, Mobile, and Social;
    • Planning, conducting and managing online marketing campaigns with the scope of: building awareness, generating new leads and growing sales;
    • Campaign structuring, targeting, display network, and other facets of paid media in accordance with client goals;
    • Planning, conducting and managing marketing activities (email marketing, SMS, targeted promotions, segmented communication) to current customer database and manages tools to do it;
    • Provide recommendations looking at the search keyword opportunities & brand target audience;
    • Creatives creation & execution for online marketing campaigns;
    • Working on building customer acquisition funnels, tools for optimizing marketing campaigns (including creating a landing page);
    • Responsibility for website positioning, SEO and SEM;
    • Cooperation with the Sales department in reaching potential customers;
    • Cooperation with external agencies and other departments;
    • Generates reports and performance analysis for the digital & performance marketing activities;
    • Actively participates in developments with group digital team.


    • Prime ocazii speciale (ex: Paste, Craciun, 8 mar etc)
    • Asigurare medicala
    • Training-uri
    • Cursuri
    • Certificari/Atestate
    • Abonament Bookster
    • Discount produse companie /companii partenere
    • Program de lucru flexibil
    • Teambuilding-uri / excursii
    • Petreceri/evenimente companie
    • Laptop
    • Telefon mobil
    • Tichete de masa

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