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Operator Relatii cu Clientii cu slovena

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Vezi toate job-urile SalesConsulting active.

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Angajator: SalesConsulting
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Alt oras
  • Job la nivel national
    Actualizat la: 02.11.2023
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Sales Consulting activates on the HR market since 1998, having a national coverage in several areas of expertise: recruiting and selection assessment center HR market mapping/due diligence projects, personnel leasing, payroll.

    Sales Consulting has 2 fully operational branches: Cluj-Napoca (also the head-office) and Bucharest.
    We are developing various projects (Recruitment, Training and Consultancy) in some of the most varied type of industries:
    - AUTOMOTIVE/PRODUCTION/ENGINEERING (Specialists and Middle & Top Management positions)
    - IT & C (C++, C#, .NET, Java, Linux etc)
    - FMCG (sales & purchasing positions; all levels)
    - PHARMA (all levels)


    - cunostinte lingvistice de slovena cu un nivel minim B2;


    - oferirea de suport tehnic si informational prin apel telefonic si e-mail;