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Javascript Internship/ Training program

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Angajator: Team Extension
  • Internet - eCommerce
  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: stagiu de practica
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Actualizat la: 16.09.2018
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Team Extension is a nearshoring and offshoring technology company based in Bucharest, Romania.

    Working with us, you will have the opportunity to work with a wide spectrum of clients and projects. Our clients include startups and Fortune 500 companies that are based in Western Europe and in the United States.

    At our company, we are building a team of smart, motivated people who are passionate about helping the business continue to soar to new heights. We are well funded and in hyper growth mode. Come join a team where you can truly make a difference.


    • Desire to learn and work with at least one of the following Frontend programming language, technology or framework:
    - Javascript
    - React.js
    - Node.js
    - Ruby on Rails
    • Completed or working towards a B.S. or M.S. in Computer Science or related field.
    • Strong OOP knowledge
    • Excellent problem solving skills.
    • Basic knowledge of front-end concepts (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) – desirable not mandatory
    The applicants should demonstrate:
    • The ability to effectively communicate (verbal/written) in the team;
    • Good knowledge of English language;
    • Willingness to learn new technologies and/or improve their current skills;
    • Evidence of prior minimum experience in using any programming language -such as faculty/ school project, personal projects;
    • Initiative to drive the project to fruition;
    • A sense of responsibility and maturity to commit to a long-term project, for minimum 6 hours per day;
    • Prior or present involvement in volunteer/helping activities is an asset;
    • A proactive attitude


    What you’ll learn:

    • To design and code new features and enhancements.
    • To assist with all aspects of the product lifecycle, from specifications through QA.
    • To collaborate with senior developers on finding and fixing bugs.
    • Programming languages such as CSS, HTML and Javascript, and then various libraries such as Bootstrap, React, Node.

    Alte informatii

    This internship is part-time or full time, depending on your availability (30 hours - 40 hours per week) and paid.
    Interns will gain valuable hands-on experience working with open source technologies, agile and scrum methodology, and learning the full SDLC (Systems development life cycle), in a professional work environment. Rock star interns will also have the opportunity to transition into regular full-time web development roles.
    Success starts with having the right people. At Team Extension, we value and mentor each member of our growing team. We seek out talented, goal-oriented professionals who thrive in a flexible but challenging work environment.
    We promote a friendly culture that applauds innovation and results while embracing change and independence. Our employees are intensely driven and constantly encouraged to reach higher and use creativity to achieve success – all this while enjoying high levels of collaboration and the luxury of coming to work in jeans and sneakers. We are proud to offer a unique blend of the innovation of a start-up with the history, stability, and benefits of an established corporation.

    Come Join our #dreamteam!